My Journey
Having been a science teacher in the 80s and 90s I first became aware of and subsequently interested in Energy ‘medicine’ or energy healing after my daughter was born. I was looking for an alternative approach to help with the normal aches and pains, sleep problems and anxiety common in new parents. Having trained and practiced for many years as a massage therapist I eventually came across the concept of Reiki. I experienced it firsthand (from a nun no less!) and I was amazed!. It felt like been wrapped up in a warm blanket and being given permission to completely let go of the outside world. There was a deep sense of relaxation and a calming of the mind that lasted for weeks afterward.
That first experience led me to train as a Reiki practitioner and Reiki teacher. My desire now is to use this incredible healing modality so that more and more people are able to access and benefit from its effects.
Next came Crystal Healing. I have always been drawn to crystals and knew I wanted to learn more about their healing powers and how I might combine this with using Reiki. I now use crystals during my reiki sessions, hand-picked for the client. I can also prepare specific crystal grids to amplify the energy emitted by crystals when they are arranged in a certain pattern.